What is a Latex Allergy?​

An individual is labeled as having a latex allergy when they experience certain negative physical reactions to the natural rubber proteins that it's made of. When exposed to latex, their body’s defense system is triggered because it identifies the material as a harmful substance. When this occurs, chemicals such as histamine are released, and in turn, produce unwanted symptoms. This can happen when the latex comes into contact with the skin, accidentally inhaled or ingested. Latex Products May Cause the Following Symptoms:

·The Skin Can Become Red with Mild to Severe Itching

·Can Develop Hives or a Rash

·Some Experience Itchy or Watery Eyes

·Symptoms can Include Sneezing, Coughing, Runny Nose

Severe Cases May Include:


·Difficulty Breathing

·Low Blood Pressure

·Loss of Consciousness

·Unable to Think Clearly

As you can see, exposing yourself or your staff to latex can produce mild to severe symptoms depending on the person’s sensitivity. Your best line of defense is to not take the risk and switch to latex-free nitrile gloves. An additional reason that latex-free gloves should be worn is because those who do not have allergies to this material can easily develop one. When home users or professionals expose themselves to latex, over a period of time, they can develop an allergy to it. Because of this, it’s best to use an alternative form of hand protection.



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