Which Industries and Jobs Should Use Disposable Gloves?

Disposable gloves offer both convenience and protection to workers in many industries. From comfortable, inexpensive and easy-to-change gloves for food preparation to highly specialized gloves to protect those working in chemical manufacturing, disposable gloves have many applications. They have also benefitted from recent technological advances, making them stronger, more practical and more cost-effective, especially when purchased in bulk.

When to Wear Disposable Gloves

The applications of disposable gloves are as varied as the people who use them. Some of the situations that require or benefit from using disposable gloves include:

· When the wearer will come into contact with chemicals or skin irritants.

· When the wearer will come into contact with bodily fluids like blood, vomit, urine, feces or mucus.

· To protect others from bacteria or microbes on the wearer’s hands.

· When handling substances that can stain hands.

· When handling items that can be damaged by oils on the skin.

· When handling unknown or undefined items.

· For protection against burns, cuts, abrasions and similar injuries.

· For general hygiene, comfort or personal preference.

You should wear nitrile gloves or gloves made from a similar synthetic material, such as vinyl, when there’s a risk that a fellow employee, customer or client could be allergic to natural rubber. For some, even touching an object that someone wearing latex gloves touched can trigger an allergic reaction.



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What You Should Know About Disposable Gloves