how to use disposable gloves properly?


A. Make sure your gloves fit well. Gloves that are too tight will break, raising your risk of exposure. Gloves that were too loose will slide around, increasing your vulnerability.

B. Washing your hands before putting on gloves, since the gloves used for routine patient care are not put on in a sterile manner. Performing hand hygiene both before donning and after removing gloves is the best thing you can do to protect both the patient and the provider.

C. Change them often. The only way gloves are effective is if you change them as often as you should wash or sanitize your hands.The longer gloves are worn, the more likely their effectiveness as a barrier will deteriorate. Employees should ideally replace their gloves every two hours at minimum to guard against possible unseen punctures. If you touch your phone with your gloves and then touch your face, the phone germs are now on your face. Gloves might create a false sense of security. Be mindful of the surfaces you touch, and change your gloves accordingly.

D. Remove them safely. This handy video demonstrates a special technique to remove your gloves safely and bunch them into a neat bundle for disposable. I can't believe I need to do this, but don't remove your gloves with your teeth. Ever. Use one glove hand to carefully peel off the other, and then use the forefinger of the bare hand to slide the second glove off, wedging it inside the wrist and never touching the outside surface.

E. Safely use of them. Do not throw them on the sidewalk. This puts others at risk. Use an outdoor trash can or place them in a bag until you reach a trash can.

F. Wash your hands afterward. As soon as you remove the gloves, wash your hands thoroughly since gloves can differ, allowing germs to pass through porous material.

G. Do not reuse them. disposable gloves are not reusable, they are designed to be used once and then thrown out. Again, like condoms, their effectiveness wains the more you wear them.



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What You Should Know About Disposable Gloves